Incredible time at HOPE9 in NYC!. Thank you everyone that participated, played or just hung out with us at the CTF table. Here are some pics of the event.
Congratulations to the winners: @tt , @javantea, @drSneeze, @brandontansey
Special thanks to PLX @kingTuna for his support and help
to make this happen in NYC. Shouts out to @marcofigueroa @kevinfigueroa @hans_bosch @cp_rants @hopenumber9 @nickf4rr @ivydigital
Will see you at the ISSA Hack The Flag 2012 on August 11th then ISSA Tampa on August 25th September 22nd. We had some invites to take K&&K CTF to CC Camp in Europe. Let’s see if we can make it happen.
Need to reach out to us? @p0wnmachina , [email protected]