Amazing time at the ISSA Hack The Flag 2014! 8-23-2014

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Once again we had an amazing time at the ISSA South Florida Hack The Flag 2014. We had a lot of players and great teams!. The change in the game was well received by those who have played past iterations and we are very happy it was the case.


We will see you at Bsides JAX  on November 15th. Please check out their event page and support B-Sides as they are a great way to develop local community and talent.  Thank you to Mr. Geck for the Lock Picking Village, the sponsors, much congratulations to the ISSA for  a great a event and thanks again to all the players who always make this game amazing.  Last but not least congratulations to the winners…  Below some pictures from the event. More dates to be announced soon…













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